Transitions theory
middle-range and situation-specific theories in nursing research and practice
Springer Pub.
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和洋区分 | 洋書 |
書名,巻次,叢書名 | Transitions theory middle-range and situation-specific theories in nursing research and practice |
著者名 | [edited by] Afaf I. Meleis |
出版者 | Springer Pub. |
出版年月日 | 2010 |
ISBN1 | 9780826105349 |
ページ | xxii, 641 p. : ill. |
サイズ | 26 cm |
注記 | Includes bibliographical references and index |
件名 | LCSH:Nursing models LCSH:Life change events MESH:Nursing theory MESH:Life change events MESH:Nursing care -- psychology |
請求記号 | N250||ME |
登録番号 | 006360 |
内容細目1 | Theoretical development of transitions |
内容細目2 | Transition theory |
内容細目3 | Developmental transitions |
内容細目4 | Situational transitions : discharge and relocation |
内容細目5 | Situational transitions : immigration |
内容細目6 | Situational transitions : education |
内容細目1 | Health and illness transitions |
内容細目2 | Organizational transitions |
内容細目3 | Transitional care model |
内容細目4 | Role supplementation models |
内容細目5 | Debriefing models |